How to.... VIDEOS

These are videos created by the District to help with online learning






  • How do I manage multiple Gmail accounts on one device?

  • How do I bookmark in Chrome?

Managing Multiple G-mails on one device 

Administrando Multiples Cuentas De Google en un Dispositivo

-Bookmarking Websites in the Chrome Browser

Marcando Paginas Favortias en Chrome Browser(Spanish)

Google Meet

  • How to Join a Google Meet   


  • How do I add an account   

         to a Chromebook

  • How do I connect to the hotspot or the home network?  

  • How do I print from home?

Adding student account (when Chromebook used to belong to another student)

Agregar un nuevo estudiante a un chromebook compartido

Adding & Removing Account

Agregando y Quitando Cuentas

Connecting to Home or Hotspot Network

Como Conectar a wifi

Settings (how to add printer & Update Chrome OS) 

Agregar una imprenta en Chromebook


Google Classroom

  • How do I find Google Classroom?
  • How do I add my student to a Google Classroom?
  • How do I open an assignment in Google Classroom?
  • How do I submit homework in Google Classroom?
  • How do I edit a PDF assignment?
  • How to Submit physical paper projects/worksheets to Google Classroom

Attaching Files to Google Classroom Assignment

Como adjuntar documentos a las Asignaciones del Salon Google (Español)

Submitting a Google Classroom Assignment

Como Entregar Trabajos en Salon Google (Espanol)

Signing in to Google Classroom

Como Encontra un Salon Google (Espanol)

Adding a class by class code

Como añadir una Clase Google con el Codigo (Espanol))

Opening a Google Assignment

Como Abrir una Asigancion de Salon Google(Espanol))

Using Doc Hub to Edit PDF Assignment

Usando Doc Hub para Editar Documentos PDF(Spanish)

Submitting Picture of handwritten Worksheets to Google Classroom w/Smart Phone

Subir fotos y videos de un telefono a Google Classroom


Submitting Pictures of Handwritten Worksheets from Chromebook or Laptop to Google Classroom



  • How do I log in to the online curriculum?
  • Where do I find the links?
  • How do I Sign in to Imagine Learning? Site Code?
  • How do I access InspireScience for my Elementary Child?
  • Are Elementary Science and ELA online curriculum on the same website? 

Secondary Curriculum Screencast for logins -

 click here

Logging into Pearson

Como Entrar al Programa Pearson (Espanol)

Logging into Wonders

Como Entrar al Programa Wonders (Español)

Logging into Inspire Science

Como Entrar al Programa de Ciencias Inspire Science (Espanol)

7th & 8th History Textbook

Texto de Historia 7-8

-9th & 10th Grade HIstory Textbook

Texto de Historia 9-10

-Civics and Econ Textbook

Economia y ciencia de derechos civicos

-Signing in to Study Sync / ELA Textbook

Accceso a Study Sync

-Signing in to StemScopes (6-12th Science)

Acceso a StemScope

-Carnegie Math (7-12th) Textbook

Acceso a Carnegie Learning

-Signing in Read 180 / System 44 ELA Textbook

Iniciar sesion de lectura 180/sistema44

Where to find links (District Page)

-Donde Encontrar Conexiones (District Page)ESPANOL

Logging in to Imagine Learning

Ingresando a Imagine Learning


  • How do I record or take a picture on a Chromebook?
  • How do I locate the files on a Chromebook?
  • How do I  take pictures/scan  ‘written’ homework and upload it to  Google Classroom?

Camera/Video recording App (esp for Band lessons)

Fotos/Videos usando el Chromebook

Locating File and saving to Drive from Chromebook

Localizar Archivos en Chromebook


Grabando con Screencastify

Sending PIctures/Media from SmartPhone to Drive/GClassroom

Subir fotos y videos de un telefono a Google Classroom


  • How do I save useful videos into playlists?

Creating a playlist